After many years, the Totem Pole has been moved to the Benaki museum. This museum houses some of the great works of art by fine artists all over the world. The experts that take care of this museum are familiar with many different forms of restoration, so the Totem Pole is in good hands.
While the Totem Pole is being fumigated for ants, there is a space waiting for its arrival. The plan is to have the Totem Pole on display as it's being restored. This open space will allow the public to watch the restoration in person, as well as allow school children to interact and learn more about this Canadian art form. If you come and visit, you'll be able to talk with Andrew Todd, the Totem Pole restoration expert that will be coming from Canada to do this work. The Benaki museum is also planning several interactive lectures with Mr Todd.Now this space is empty, but soon it will be a place to watch a piece of Canadian heritage being restored.